Loyalty rewards are not able to be used in conjunction with any other promotion or discount. Loyalty rewards vouchers can only be used on purchases of $50* or more (see below list for full details). You must remain active on your loyalty account every 12 months for your loyalty points to remain valid. Keep your account active by making a purchase or redeeming a reward! The rewards program is subject to change at any time. Loyalty vouchers do not apply to shipping costs, and shipping fees are not accrued in Loyalty points.
*If your cart value is less than the voucher you wish to redeem (eg. $60 voucher, $50 purchase), the remainder of the voucher amount is automatically forfeited.
Loyalty Discounts:
- 200 points = $10 voucher
- 300 points = $15 voucher
- 510 points = $30 voucher
- 1020 points = $60 voucher
Ways to earn terms:
Leave a Review: +10 points (one per account)
Leave a photo on a Review: +10 points (one per account)