It is universally known that the heart is the carrier of love, it is where we physically feel and connect to the experience of love, and metaphorically it’s been used as an established visual symbol of love, as early as the middle ages if not further back.
To draw upon Jane Austen, arguably one of the most renowned historical romance novelists of the 18-19th century, she says, ‘there is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.’
While she may be referring to the emotional quality, we believe if there were to be a physical charm to symbolise love, a beautiful starting place could be through a heart jewellery piece.
Currently there are so many interpretations of what heart jewellery may represent now in modern times. To select something that honours the quality and expression of love you wish to connect with, we’ve compiled a guide that includes: the meaning behind heart jewellery, the history of heart jewellery and the upcoming trends in heart jewellery to look out for.
For more, read our full blog below for guidance on all things heart jewellery related.
The History Of Heart Jewellery
While the exact origins of heart jewellery are not known, some would speculate the Middle Ages 15-18th century is when they were first seen as symbolic of love, and then in terms of figures, King Edward VIII the first to truly start the movement.
A beautiful love story as it were, King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson union is often seen as the catalyst for depicting the heart jewellery as the ultimate symbol of commitment and love.
It is said that in the early 19th century, King Edward VIII made the bold choice to choose love over his Kingdom, after he became besotted with Wallis Simpson, a American divorcee, who at the time was looked down upon by society.
Nowadays, we could call it the original Harry and Meghan Markle love story, as when Edward fell for Wallis, similarly he relinquished his role as the heir to throne, was abdicated from the royal family but chose to do so with pure conviction, following his heart and making a conscious act of love, choosing her over the title.
At this time, as a way to mark and symbolise such a noble act of love, King Edward gifted Wallis a Cartier heart shaped locket necklace and inside the locket had the words ‘The heart has its reasons’ inscribed.
From that point on, they married a month later, lived a big love and later Wallis wrote a memoir and titled it after those same words etched on the heart jewellery, The Heart Has Its Reasons.
Ever since such tales of love, heart jewellery intrinsically has now attached love to its meaning, and everything from heart shaped lockets, heart charms and heart symbols with padlocks, two parts of the one heart and heart beat symbols are used to represent romance, familial and friendship love.
So with so many types of heart jewellery and interpretations now available how can we discern one shape or type from another? Learn more with our guide below.

What Is The Meaning Behind Heart Jewellery?
Here are some of the common shapes and what is behind a heart necklace meaning…
To have an open heart is a state of being where you feel open, expansive, love flows freely through.
The very same can be said for open heart jewellery. It embodies the concept of being open to love through the outline of a heart shape but it is not filled in, instead letting the pendant have space for love to flow in.
An iconic example is seen in the popular 90s movie Bridget Jones, where Renee Zellwegger is seen wearing a silver open heart necklace throughout (as seen here).
Alternatively if this shape is too open for you, in recent times a solid filled in heart shape is also trending. Perhaps different to an open heart where love may come and go, we suggest the meaning of a solid heart design could symbolise a solid love and one where the heart is full, be it self love or romantic!
If a heart full love design resonates, shop our Mini Behold Heart Necklace or the Heart Pearl Necklace or engrave you and your lovers initials with our Etch Behold Heart Necklace.
Broken Hearts
Considered more poignant in nature, broken hearts can symbolise loss of love, resilience and strength in spite of heartbreak or may express a literal broken in half heart, with the other half being worn by a lover.
For those moving through heartbreak or loss, a broken hearts jewellery piece worn to keep a beloved close is often chosen. Or alternatively this style may act as a symbol to stay strong and remember how valuable their heart and love is, even in spite of difficulties. For this type of symbolism, a broken hearts piece may appear as a shattered looking effect glued together, such as this gemstone charm.
Alternatively, a broken heart pendant necklace seen as two halves of a heart that are splintered down the middle, the meaning represents two soulmates and that it makes two halves to make a whole. A modern example is seen worn by Ben Affleck’s ex-girlfriend Ana De Armas pictured here.
Heart Lockets
By far the most beloved and popular style of all heart jewellery is the heart locket.
Heart lockets are not only heart shaped in design but they can holds a photo of a beloved, (or a word, letter, poem or other such sentimental visual).
Heart lockets are said to date back to the 18th to 19th century, where during this time, they were used to hold a portrait of a lover or a lock of their lover’s hair.
Fast forward to now in more modern times, the same sentiment applies, with portrait photos still a popular touch and used as a gift that is as widespread as Mother’s Day, a best friend’s birthday, for a lover or as keepsake of a beloved either lost or not close by (such as a long distance lover, grandmother, child).
Our favourite heart locket from our collection is the Behold Heart Photo Locket Necklace - with custom engraving available it’s a beautiful option for a loved one on Valentine’s Day .

What Types Of Heart Jewellery Are Currently Trending?
The Chinese Philosopher Confucius once said, ‘wherever you go, go with all your heart’ and we believe the same sentiment can apply to selecting meaningful jewellery.
Like all things in life, if you are guided by the heart it will always be a good choice.
But if you like to keep up with the trends, here are a few we are loving right now:
Heart Huggie Earrings - huggies (and small hoops) have been having a moment lately and we are loving the trend so much we have designed a few types to bring love to your lobes. Shop from either the Behold Heart Hoop Charm set, Behold Heart Plain Hoops.
Heart Charms - A heart charm can be a keepsake you literally attach to anything, whether on a jewellery piece like a necklace or bracelet or close to clothing, stitched on the inside of a blazer, sleeve, pocket or sock. We love our Mini Behold Charm.
- Heart Engraved Pieces - Giving ‘next level love,’ take your declaration of love to PDA heights with an engraving of your lover's initials onto a solid heart charm. It's the perfect anniversary or wedding gift for your beloved.

Beyond what is in, we believe no matter the type of heart jewellery or who you give it to, just know it all comes back to a remembering ‘what does a heart symbolise?’ and knowing it's love.
Whether you are the giver or the receiver of such a sentimental piece, rather than wonder what does it mean when someone gives you a heart necklace, you can instead focus on knowing the intention and act to give and share a heart all comes back to doing so with love.
As Helen Keller once said, ‘the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart’. Jewellery choice aside, whatever meaning you bring to a piece, know any piece held by the heart or with the heart will always carry its own precious source of love.