Meet our DIY Queen, Rochelle


You know those people you follow on Insta who seem to have the most amazing houses, impeccable style and can DIY literally anything!? Although they seem to exist purely in the land of Instagram, they do in fact exist in real life and we’ve got one in our very own Franc Office!

Meet Rochelle aka Rocky, our graphic/stats queen, office stylist and DJ extraordinaire with possibly the cutest baby to ever walk the earth. Not that she can walk yet.  We decided with all this knowledge at our disposal, it was about time we asked Rocky all about DIY’ing for lesser skilled and slightly lazy people.



How long have you been a DIY queen and what inspired you to start?

Ummm.. well, I feel I have always been a little crafty since I was a little girl. But I guess I have moved from making dolls out of stockings to grown up projects around my home! I often find ideas & think “I can make that myself” then built a project from there.



What’s your favourite thing you’ve ever made?

Whoa thats a tough one! I really enjoy designing graphic prints for around the house but the projects I am most proud of would be the ones that took a lot of hard work. My husband Wally & I designed &  took on a backyard reno which we were thrilled with the results, especially with the subway tiled outdoor dining table which we laid twice as the first time we made a rookie error (yes not every project goes to plan)



I am also really proud of our budget kitchen reno & My daughter Teddie’s Nursery where I handmaid her mobile. & macrame wall hanging.



How long does your average project take?

It totally depends on the project, sometimes the quickest ones can make the most impact to a space. For example a couple of weeks ago I sourced some wicker baskets from Etsy & a local Tip Shop (ps I am a little crazy obsessed with cane & wicker ATM) & created a wall feature. This took half an hour to complete!



Can you share some basic tips for people with very basic skills?

  • When in doubt, paint it white.

  • Pinterest have some great ideas, & don’t just look at the pretty pictures, most DIY projects on Pinterest explain  ‘how to make that cool thing in the picture’ by clicking on the link. Create mood boards on Pinterest when you see something you like.

  • If it’s a bigger project make a list of materials & a timeline so you don’t find yourself starting something & never get around to finishing it.

  • Mirrors can also transform a space, but they don’t have to always be hanging, Bigger mirrors look great sitting on the floor against a wall, you can pick up old mirrors from gumtree or second hand stores. The look great painted white & even layered with smaller mirrors in front of it.


Number 1 style rule.

Get some ‘real’ plants in your home! Like yesterday,  Greenery improves the scenery!

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